Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Overpopulation The Root of all Evil

The other day as I was working my route I arrived at a conclusion about what may be the cause of all problems the earth is facing right now. Or to be more exact the problems the human race is facing.

As I hefted my noticeably heavier mail bag I grumbled to myself: "why are there so many dang people" as I muttered these resentful words I stopped. I thought about it, and realized that, that was the answer. There are to many people. Reliable sources say that as of November 2008 the world population is an estimated 6.72 billion. With this many people on one earth with the concept of the conservation of energy as I will explain below, it can not be expected for the human race to expand this fast and not die out soon.

The concept of Conservation of Energy is that there is a certain amount of matter and there can never be more or less. if you took anything a city for example put it into a completely closed environment and burned it, you would end up with the same exact amount of matter. This ties directly into the dwindling resources issue. Because humans need fuel for locamotion as well as fuel for the body. While we consume we need to create as well.

Because there are so many people we can not create enough to fees the new mouths that humans are always producing. There was a balance once. The right amount of everything and there is an equal amount of consumption and creation. Now humans are consuming faster than the world can recycle the humans waste into a fuel source for either us or our cars.

The answer is stunningly simple. There are to many people. And we are depleting the world's sources of fuel. The human race is long overdue for downsizing. Over the years there have been natural disasters. Things I see as mother nature keeping us in check. With the introduction of modern medicine the population of humans has grown by leaps and bounds and has no intintion of slowing down. Something must be done. The human race must be cut down and held down.

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